The Sons of Allen
Strategic Initiatives
Representatives of the Sons of Allen serving on the Ministries in Christian Education strategic planning team met in Nashville, Tennessee on April 21-23, 2005. The Sons of Allen strategic planning team members, including the Connectional Sons of Allen President, Rev. Henry E. Green, Jr., formulated 5 strategic initiatives for the Sons of Allen throughout the Connectional.
FIRST STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Develop a connectional model for Sons of Allen ministry in the local church. This model will be presented in the form of a Son’s of Allen manual that will provide a framework for starting and operating a Sons of Allen ministry in the local church, with specific suggestions for sustaining an effective men’s ministry. The model will be flexible enough to allow for adaptation to the needs and characteristics of each local setting. 
SECOND STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Establish an annual connectional men’s conference. Through seminars, sermons and fellowship with other Christian men, the conferences will educate, encourage, and strengthen men as Christians. 
THIRD STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Partner with Prison Fellowship to adopt Angel Tree as a Sons of Allen ministry. Angel Tree is a ministry of Prison Fellowship for families of incarcerated persons. Angel Tree provides gifts to children of incarcerated persons on behalf of the incarcerated person. The ministry also provides mentoring for these children. 

FOURTH STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Establish a reentry program for formerly incarcerated felons. This ministry will focus on job training, job placement, and re-socialization of men released from prison.
Finally, and most importantly, the Sons of Allen will emphasize reaching out to other men to lead and encourage them into a saving relationship with Christ. The Sons of Allen ministry seeks to become an effective vehicle for connecting and reconnecting men to Christ and His church.